Tibialis Anterior Tendon Transfer in Management of Relapsed Clubfoot, a Clinical Trial

Document Type : Original Article


Orthopedic Surgery Department , Faculty of Medicine , Zagazig University , Zagazig , Egypt


Objectives: To determine the efficacy of Tibialis Anterior Tendon Transfer in treatment of cases of Dynamic Foot Supination in Relapsed Clubfoot.
Methods: Pediatric Unit of Orthopedic Surgery Department, Zagazig University Hospitals. All patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria included in the study in a time period of 6 months were 12 patients. A total of 12 patients (9 males and 3 females) with 1 bilateral, 7 right feet and 4 left feet. The 9 males were (1 bilateral, 5 right foot and 3 left foot). The 3 females were (2 right foot and 1 left foot)
Results: We studied 12 cases 9 males and 3 females with mean age of 4.83±0.71 to assess outcome of Tibialis Anterior Tendon Transfer in Management of Relapsed Clubfoot.
Conclusion: Tibialis anterior tendon transfer has been the treatment of choice for cases of relapsed CTEV in the form of dynamic supination for years. It has a high success rate and very low post-operative complications and very low incidence of residual deformity if done correctly.


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