Double mesh repair in management of abdominal wall reconstruction for rectus diastasis and or ventral hernia repairs

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor of general surgery , Zagazig university hospitals , Zagazig , Sharkia Governorate , Egypt

2 surgery faculty of medicine zagazig university


Background We discovered a significant rate of unaccepted recurrence. To lower the number of recurrences in the component separation technique, we strive to apply double mesh repair to reinforce the defect and so avoid or reduce the recurrence rate.Patients and methods
Thirty-two patients underwent abdominal wall restoration with polypropylene mesh in a row. A technique for using mesh in a sublay manner deep to the rectus muscles above the posterior sheath without anterior dissection of the rectus abdominus from the anterior sheath to avoid damage to the blood supply and damage to the umbilical perforators during that dissection while onlay mesh is used on the anterior rectus sheath. After using the double mesh approach, problems and follow-up data were discovered.
We had 32 patients undergo abdominal repair, either for a ventral hernia or rectus diastasis repair with mesh, from May 2019 to January 2021. Only three patients exhibited isolated rectus diastasis. The patients were 55 years old on average, with ages ranging from 35 to 75. Females made up 92 percent of the patients. The patients' average body mass index was 35 kg/m2 (range: 31 to 42 kg/m2). Conclusion
This study used a double mish reinforcement approach to reduce the rate of recurrence and occurrences. As a result, augmentation using polypropylene on-lay mesh and sublay combined resulted in reduced recurrence rates than using each approach separately.


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