Partial Axillary Dissection after Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy In Clinically Node-Negative Breast Cancer Patients

Document Type : Original Article


General Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt


Background: The study is to highlight the clinical effect of partial axillary dissection using the new anatomical classification of axillary lymph nodes and not done this study before in Zagazig University Hospital.

Aim: To compare between partial dissection and conventional dissection regarding axillary recurrence and postoperative complications.

Patients and methods: This randomized clinical trial done in the Zagazig University Hospital's General Surgery Department between 1/4/2023 to 1/10/2023 and included 60 patients who had partial axillary lymph node dissection and 60 historical controls who had clinically node-negative breast cancer (N0).

Results: Lymphedema, seroma and paraesthesia of the inner aspect of the upper arm were significantly decreased in partial dissection than conventional dissection. Wound infection, abscess formation and hematoma formation showed insignificant difference between the two groups

Conclusion: PALND had similar survival rates and lower complication rates compared with patients with N0 breast cancer ALND. Therefore, in such cases, we advise PALND restricted to the region caudal to the ICBN.


Main Subjects