Impact of Common Bile Duct stenting versus non-stenting for patients with choledocholethiasis prior cholecystectomy

Document Type : Original Article


1 Hepatology and Gastroenterology and endoscopy Unit-Zagazig University

2 Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University

3 M.B.B.CH- Faculty of Medicine – University of Tripoli - Libya


Background: In ERCP for treatment of choledicholethiasis, stent insertion after CBD clearance may be beneficial in lowering the pressure in the bile ducts and provide better bile drainage, However , CBD stenting is accused to be of unfavorable outcomes.

Aim: To compare between CBD stenting and non-stenting as regard of improvement, complications and recurrence rate of CBD stones.

Methods: This randomized clinical trial study was conducted at Endoscopic unit of Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University Hospitals, on 30 patients with diagnosis of small CBD stones <15 mm by abdominal ultra-sonography or MRCP. Patients were divided into two groups: group (A): 30 patients who were scheduled for CBD clearance and stone retrieval with plastic CBD stent insertion after ERCP and group (B): 30 patients who were scheduled for CBD clearance and stone retrieval without plastic CBD stent insertion after ERCP.

Results: There was significant difference between both groups regarding to pancreatitis that was lower in group A than group B (at different time intervals except at 45 days after ERCP). There was significant difference between both groups regarding to recurrence that was higher in group B than group A.

Conclusion: Biliary stenting after CBD stone removal enhances outcomes and reduces the likelihood of stone recurrence.


Main Subjects