Molecular Subtypes of Endometrial Cancer and Their Therapeutic Implications: A Review Background

Document Type : Review Articles


Pathology department, faculty of medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt. Laboratory Medicine Department, Applied Medical Science, Al Baha


Endometrial cancer (EC) is a complex disease with various subtypes. Although it is considered a treatable disease due to early diagnosis and symptoms, the advanced stage, which represents approximately 8% of cases, is associated with poor outcomes, reflecting the absence of efficient systemic therapy. There are various molecular classifications available and many pathways involved in EC pathogenesis. Advances in understanding its biology have led to the development of a classification system to help tailor treatment strategies depending on both patients and disease features. Currently, immunotherapy and targeted therapies are key treatments for EC, whether recurrent or advanced. In this review, we aim to summarize the molecular classification of EC briefly and its impact on treatment strategies, as well as the proposed targeted therapy. The data collection is based on searches on scientific websites, clinical trials (, and international guidelines from Europe's leading medical oncology society (ESMO) and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN).


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