Comparative Study Between Follicular Unit Extraction Technique with or without Platelet Rich Plasma in Non Androgenic Alopecia

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Plastic, Reconstructive, Hand, Microsurgery Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt

2 Resident of Plastic Surgery at Elsalam specialized hospital


Background: Not only do damaged tissues exhibit reduced vascularity and degenerative changes, but cicatricial alopecia makes hair transplantation an extremely difficult process. Regenerating damaged tissue may be possible with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) because of its effects on angiogenesis, tissue remodeling, and regeneration. The present work aimed to determine if PRP has a role in improving the result of follicular unit extraction (FUE) in non-androgenic alopecia.

Methods: In a prospective clinical study, twenty-four patients a with non-androgenic alopecia, were split into two equal groups (n=12): Group A: patients were administered two injections of local intradermal PRP one week before to hair transplantation and again two weeks and four weeks after the hair transplantation. Group B: (Control group): No local injections of any type were administered to individuals undergoing hair transplantation.

Results: Non-significant differences were found between the two groups as regards patient satisfaction, hair survival rate, as well as blind evaluation by the other surgeons. In group A, there were 3 patients (25%) with mild satisfaction, 6 patients (50%) with moderate satisfaction and 3 patients (25%) with high satisfaction. In group B, there were 6 patients (50%) with mild satisfaction, 4 patients (33.3%) with moderate satisfaction and 2 patients (16.7%) with high satisfaction.

Conclusion: Incorporating platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into FUE improves scar tissue texture and quality more than FUE alone, however there is no significant difference in the clinical results of hair restoration in terms of density of newly grown hair.


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