Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of general anasethesiology Faculty of Dentistry Suez Canal University

2 Professor of Clinical Pathology Faculty of Medicine Suez Canal University

3 Assistant Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Faculty of Dentistry Suez Canal University


To assess the level of relaxin -2 hormone in the serum and synovial fluid in female patient who have anterior disc displacement and detect the effect the wash and lavage on it’s level .Forty patients were included with age ranged between 20-40 age, old selected from outpatient clinic of oral and maxillofacial department faculty of dentistry, suez canal university. Patients were devided into two groups : group I(control group included 20 patients with normal tmj and group II included 20 patients with tmj internal derangement for patients preoperative assessment was done including standard pain scoring , maximal mouth opening and radiological examination also arthrocentesis with collecting of synovial fluid was performed .serum relaxin -2 hormone & synovial fluid relaxin -2 hormone were estimated using Elisa. results showed a significant increase in serum relaxin -2 hormone level in group II compared to control .this level was significantly decrease after 1 week after arthrocentesis. As regard to synovial fluid relaxin -2 hormone level,there was insignificant decrement in the hormone level after arthrocentesis . Clinical evaluation for the studied patients showed a high significant decreased in pain score after one week ,one month and at six months post-operative while, there was a high significant increased interincisal distance during follw up.
we concluded that serum relaxin-2 hormone was elevated significantly in patients with TMJ internal deranegement. Also this hormone is detected locally in TMJ joint this may explain its role in the pathogenesis of TMJ internal deranegement.
